Localization for survey interface elements

We are excited to announce the addition of localization for survey interface elements! Our platform now supports the following languages:
English, Spanish, French, Chinese, Tagalog, Arabic, Vietnamese, Portuguese, German, Korean, Russian, Hindi, Italian, Urdu, Persian, Polish, Greek, Japanese, Punjabi, Ukrainian, Gujarati, Hebrew, Bengali, Tamil, Turkish, Swahili, Dutch, Bosnian, Croatian, Armenian, Romanian, Serbian, Czech, Swedish, Norwegian, Danish, Hungarian, Slovak, Slovenian, Macedonian, Latvian, Lithuanian, Estonian, Afrikaans, Galician, Welsh, Icelandic, Finnish, Maori, Kannada, Nepali, Kazakh, Marathi, Azerbaijani, Malay, and Thai.
This update covers buttons, UI fields, and other interactive elements across the survey interface. We’ve also implemented right-to-left (RTL) support for languages such as Arabic, Urdu, Hebrew, and Persian, providing an optimized experience for users of these languages.

Additionally, the interface language will now be applied automatically based on the selected transcription language setting, streamlining the process for survey creators and participants alike.

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