Before sending requests to Voiceform API you need to generate an API Access Token.
Creating API Access Token
- Open Voiceform App and log in to your account
- Go to account page and scroll to the "API Tokens" section at the bottom. Note: if you don't see the section you should upgrade your account to Pro Plan or contact Voiceform Customer Support service for API access

- Click on "Create API token" and specify its name. Click"Create"
- After that, copy the token and store it somewhere safe. Note that after closing the module you won't be able to see the token again.

The number of tokens is limited to 25 tokens per user
Specify the generated token as an "Authorization" header with Bearer token
Here is an example:
curl --location --request POST '' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer 2|YD5OXdW2z456SHGDVHvxsjXgFNt6NnJx7utHdmQ' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \