
Matrix Table Rows Randomization

We are excited to announce a new enhancement to Voiceform – the Matrix Table Rows Randomization feature! This powerful new feature is designed to help you eliminate response bias and improve the quality of your survey data.

Key Features

  • Randomize Rows: Easily shuffle the order of rows in your matrix tables to ensure that no particular order influences the responses.
  • Reduce Bias: By presenting survey questions in a random order, you can capture more accurate and reliable data from your respondents.
  • Simple Activation: Enable row randomization with just a single click in the matrix table settings.

How to Use

  1. Navigate to your matrix table settings.
  2. Select the checkbox for “Randomize Rows.”
  3. Publish your survey.


  • Improved Data Quality: Randomizing rows helps prevent order bias, leading to more valid and reliable survey results.
  • Enhanced User Experience: Keep respondents engaged by presenting questions in a varied order.
  • Greater Insights: Achieve deeper insights by minimizing the impact of question order on respondent answers.

We believe this new feature will greatly enhance your survey creation process and provide you with higher quality data. Thank you for choosing Voiceform, and we look forward to your continued feedback and support.


We Value Your Feedback!

We’d love to hear your thoughts on the new Matrix Table Rows Randomization feature. Please share your feedback with us here.