Creating a survey
There are three options for creating a Voiceform survey. The first option is to start from scratch. The second option is to use a premade template. The third option is to generate a survey using AI.
- Go to the team dashboard and click on "+ Create voiceform" button at the top left corner.

You should a pop up with 3 options "Start from scratch", "Use a template", and "Auto-Generate"
Starting From Scratch
On "Create a new voiceform" popup click on "Start from scratch" option
Type survey name and select a survey type. Note: Its pretty important to specify a correct survey type because this impacts on how system would process survey submissions.
Press "Create form" button.
Using a template
On "Create a new voiceform" popup click on "Use a template" option
Select one of the of the offered templates
Type survey name and select a survey type. Note: Its pretty important to specify a correct survey type because this impacts on how system would process survey submissions.
Press "Create form" button.
In the “Create a new voiceform” popup, click on the “Auto-Generate” option.
Write the description of your business. This context will be used by Voiceform AI to tailor the survey specifically to your business needs. After that, press the “Continue” button. Note: You will need to specify the business description only once; after that, it will be saved within your team and populated automatically.
Select the survey length. By default, it is set to 5 questions.
Select a survey type. Note: It is important to specify the correct survey type as this impacts how the system processes survey submissions.
Write the survey goal. This goal is used by AI to combine the context of your business with the specific survey use case.
Press the “Continue” button and wait for the survey to be generated. This process should take no longer than a minute.
If you are satisfied with the survey, press the “Create & start editing” button. If you would like to make adjustments and regenerate the voiceform, hit the “<- Back to previous step” button.
Updated 8 months ago