Video Recording & File Upload
This question type can be used to collect images, video, images, documents, and even a screenshare.
Recording Video
To record a video as an answer in Voiceform, you need to use the "Video & File Upload" question type.
Steps to Set Up:
- After creating the question, navigate to the "Upload Properties" section in the right-side panel.
- Under "Allowed File Types", select the Video option.
- If you want to restrict users to recording only (no file uploads), uncheck the "Local File Upload" and "Screencast" options.
- Optionally, you can select "Hide Upload Button" to automatically upload the video after confirmation without requiring manual action.


Local File Upload
- Default State: Selected.
- Description: Allows users to upload files directly from their device. If enabled, a button will appear on the question to facilitate local file uploads.
- Default State: Selected.
- Description: Enables the Camera button on the dashboard, allowing users to either record a video or take a picture.
- If "Allowed File Types" is set to Images, users can only take pictures.
- If "Allowed File Types" is set to Videos, users can only record videos.
- Default State: Selected.
- Description: Enables an option on the dashboard to record the screen.
- Note: This option is available only on desktop devices.
Hide Upload Button
- Default State: Unselected.
- Description: If selected, the upload button will be hidden, and file uploads will proceed automatically after confirmation.
Allowed File Types
- Default Option: All Files.
- Available Options: Images, Videos, Documents, and Custom
- If Custom is selected, you can specify supported file patterns.
File Number Limits
- Default Option: Empty
- Description: Allows you to set the required minimum and maximum number of files users can upload.
Updated 2 months ago